Click on Ref. No to Enquire 14/03/2025

PU3675Click to see Photo300 FLF Warman Froth Pump: Metal Lined - 4 Vane Metal Impeller -

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Refurbished.

PU3673Click to see Photo3/3 TC Austral Pump: Complete with CV Style Motor Base & Guard - 5.5 KW

IP66 Motor. Condition: New.

PU3672Click to see Photo4/4 VDHTC-1800 Austral Carbon Transfer Pump: Complete with 7.5 KW IP66


PU3671Click to see Photo2/2 QVTC-1800 Austral Carbon Transfer Pump: Complete with CV Style Motor

Base & Guard - 7.5 KW IP66 Motor. Condition: New.

PU3670Click to see Photo2/2 TC CYKLO Austral Pump: Complete with CV Style Motor Base & Guard -

4 KW IP66 Motor.

PU3669Click to see Photo3/3 TC Austral Pump: Complete with CV Style Motor Base & Guard - 5.5 KW

IP66 Motor.

PU3667Click to see Photo10/8 EEM Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3666Click to see Photo10/8 EEM Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3665Click to see Photo10/8 FFGH Warman Dredge Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3664Click to see Photo10/8 FFGH Warman Dredge Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3663Click to see Photo10/8 FFGHP Warman Dredge Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3660Click to see Photo10/8 FF-GHP Warman Dredge Pump: Metat Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland

Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3659Click to see Photo Warman Pump Parts: Genuine Warman Pump Part - Unused - All 50% Off

New Price.

PU3658Click to see Photo150 DGP Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal.

Condition: Good.

PU3657Click to see Photo10/8 EEM Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Metal

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Refurbished.


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