M & Q Equipment
103 Bandara Street, Richlands Qld, 4077. Ph:(61-7)3879 3335 Fax:(61-7)3879 3336 


Click on Ref. No to Enquire 14/03/2025

PU3694Click to see Photo6/4 EEAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Metal

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Excellent.

PU3692Click to see Photo4/3 CAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Metal

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Fully Refurbished.

PU3691Click to see Photo65 QV SP-1800 Austral Sump Pump: Complete with 30 KW 4 Pole IP66


PU3689Click to see Photo4/3 CSC Austral Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - 8 Vane Metal Impeller - 11

KW Drive. Condition: New.

PU3688Click to see Photo14/12 GAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller.

Condition: Fully Refurbished.

PU3687Click to see Photo65 VDH GPS Warman Sump Pump: Metal Lined - 1500 Leg Length.

Condition: Excellent.

PU3685Click to see Photo65 VD GPS-1200 Austral Sump Pump: Complete with 15 KW IP66 Motor,

V-Belts & Pulleys.

PU3684Click to see Photo3/3 QVTC-1800 Warman Sump Pump: Complete with Motor Base & Guard -

11 KW - IP66 High Efficiency Motor. Condition: Fully Overhauled.

PU3683Click to see Photo10/8 EM Austral Sand Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal.

PU3682Click to see Photo3 CAHF Austral Froth Pump: Rubber Lined.

PU3681Click to see Photo4/3 CAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller -

Centrufugal Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3680Click to see Photo4/3 CAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3679Click to see Photo4/3 CCAH Austral Pump Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Mounted on MQ C-ZV2 Base & Guard - 45 KW Electric Motor. Condition:

Very Good.

PU3677Click to see Photo10/8 EM Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Metal

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Excellent.

PU3676Click to see Photo150 DGP Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - 5 Vane Metal Impeller - Gland

Seal. Condition: Very Good.


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