Click on Ref. No to Enquire 14/03/2025

PU3917Click to see Photo10/8 GIW Dredge Pump: Metal Lined - Metal 3 Vane Impeller. Condition:


PU3916Click to see Photo10/8 FFAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal.

Condition: Very Good.

PU3915Click to see Photo10/8 FFAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland

Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3914Click to see Photo6/4 DSC Weir Warman Submersible Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Complete with 30 KW Motor Condition: Refurbished.

PU3913Click to see Photo10/8 FFAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland

Seal Condition: Very Good.

PU3912Click to see Photo4/4 QVTC Warman Sump Pump: 1800 Leg - Complete with Motor Base &

Guards. Condition: Rebuilt.

PU3911Click to see Photo6/4 DAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - 5 Vane Metal Impeller - HS1

Metal Centrifugal Seal Condition: Overhauled.

PU3910Click to see Photo6/4 DAHW Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Wet Gland

Seal Condition: Very Good.

PU3907Click to see Photo3 CAHF Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Mounted on

ZV Base & 18.5 KW Motor Condition: Unused.

PU3906Click to see Photo10/8 TAHPP Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Mounted

on a ZV Base & 315 KW Motor. Condition: Very Good.

PU3905Click to see Photo10/8 FFAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Mounted

on a F-ZV2 Base & 315 KW Motor Condition: Very Good.

PU3904Click to see Photo10/8 FFAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Mounted

on a F-ZV2 Base & 315 KW Motor Condition: Very Good.

PU3903Click to see Photo10/8 STXAHP Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Mounted on a ZV Base & 315 KW Motor Condition: Very Good.

PU3902Click to see Photo10/8 T-AHPP Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Mounted

on a ZV Base & 315 KW Motor Condition: Very Good.

PU3901Click to see Photo10/8 STXAHP Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Mounted

on a ZV Base & 315 KW Motor Condition: Very Good.


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