Click on Ref. No to Enquire 14/03/2025

PU3886Click to see Photo6/4 DDAH Austral Pump Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller -

Gland Seal - Mounted On a MQ D-ZV2 Base & Guard - 75 KW Motor

Condition: New.

PU3885Click to see Photo6/4 DDAH Austral Pump Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller -

Gland Seal - Mounted on a MQ D-ZV2 Base & Guard - 75 KW Motor

Condition: New.

PU3884Click to see Photo3/2 CAH Austral Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal - Complete with CV Motor Base & Guard - 22 KW Motor Condition:

Very Good.

PU3883Click to see Photo6/4 DDAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal

- Mounted on a ZV Base. Condition: Good.

PU3882Click to see Photo4/3 DAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Sealed

- Mounted on ZV Base with 22 KW Motor. Condition: Average.

PU3881Click to see Photo3 DAHF Warman Froth Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal.

Condition: Unused.

PU3880Click to see Photo6/4 EAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller - Gland Seal

- Mounted on B-ZV1 Base & Guard & 75 KW MOTOR Condition: Very


PU3879Click to see Photo6/4 EAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined Rubber Impulser Gland Seal -

Complete with E-ZV-1 Base & Guard Condition: Very Good.

PU3878Click to see Photo6/4 DAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller - Complete

with D-ZV1 Base & Guard - 55KW MOTOR Condition: Very Good.

PU3877Click to see Photo100 VEH GPS Austral Sump Pump: 1500 Leg Condition: New.

PU3876Click to see Photo6/4 DDAH Wier Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller -

Mechanical Seal. Condition: Good.

PU3874Click to see Photo6/4 RYFC AHPP Weir Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - E4058HE1 C26

Impeller - Gland Seal - Mounted on R-ZVC Base & Guard. Condition:


PU3873Click to see Photo6/4 EAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller - Metal

Centrifugal Seal - Mounted on a E-ZV Base & 18.5 KW Motor. Condition:



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