Click on Ref. No to Enquire 14/03/2025

PU3582Click to see Photo3/2 SC Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller - Rubber

Centrifugal Seal.

PU3581Click to see Photo14/12 GAH Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller. Condition:

Fully Refurbished.

PU3580Click to see Photo1.5/1 BAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Metal Impeller - Rubber

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3579Click to see Photo1.5/1 BAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller - Rubber

Centrifugal Seal. Condition: Very Good.

PU3578Click to see Photo150mm x 150mm Multiflo Weir Diesel Pump Set: Model MFV290S -

Complete with CAT 3304T Engine - Skid Mounted, Pontoon & Suction Boom.

Condition: Very Good.

PU3576Click to see Photo6/4 DAH Austral Slurry Pump: Urethane Lined - Urethane Impeller - Metal

Expeller Ring - D-ZV1 Style Motor Base & Guard - 55 KW IP66 Motor.

PU3575Click to see Photo1.5/1 BAH Austral Slurry Pump: Butyl Lined - Butyl Impeller - Complete

with B-CV Style Motor Base & Guard - 5.5 KW Drive.

PU3574Click to see Photo8/6 EAH Austral Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal.

PU3573Click to see Photo8/6 EAH Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Gland Seal Condition: Fully


PU3572Click to see Photo3/2 CAH Austral Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Complete with CV Style Motor

Base & Guard.

PU3571Click to see Photo1/.75 ASC Austral Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined

PU3570Click to see Photo4/3 CSC Warman Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal Impeller - Gland Seal.

Condition: Overhauled.

PU3569Click to see Photo4/3 CSC Warman Slurry Pump: Rubber Lined - Rubber Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal. Condition: Overhauled.

PU3568Click to see Photo8/6 EEAH Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - 5 Vane Metal Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal. Condition: Unused.

PU3567Click to see Photo6/4 FHH Slurry Pump: Metal Lined - Metal 6 Vane Impeller - Centrifugal

Seal. Condition: Unused.


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