Click on Ref. No to Enquire 14/03/2025

CG3074Click to see Photo4200 x 6800 Morgardshammer Sag Mill: Complete with 1540 KW DC Drive,

Gear Box, Pinion, Girth Gear, Rubber Liners, Starters, Transformers &

Switchroom. Condition: Very Good.

CG3073Click to see Photo2743 x 5486 Allis Chalmers Ball Mill: Complete with 850 KW Drive, Clutch,

Gearbox, Girth Gear, Pinion, Bearings & Housings & Rubber Liners.

Condition: Very Good.

CG3072Click to see Photo7320 x 5200 Outotec Sag Mill: Complete with 4750 KW Drive, Metal Liners,

Variable Speed Drive, Trommel & Chutes. Condition: Unused.

CG3069Click to see Photo1300 x 1300 BALL MILL: Complete with Skid Base, 22KW Drive & Metal

Liners. Condition: Good.

CG3068Click to see Photo2700 x 4200 Ani Ruwolt Ball Mill: Metal Lined - Complete with 400 KW

Electric Motor, Gear Box, Clutch, Sole Plate & Spares. Condition: Very Good.

CG3066Click to see Photo2743 x 2743 Marcy/Morgardshammer Ball Mill: 9' x 9' - Complete with 400

KW 415 Volts Motor, Gear Box, Feed Spout, Trommel & Girth Gear Guards.

Condition: Good.

CG3062Click to see Photo5300 x 5600 Vickers Ruwolt AG Mill: Complete with 1700 KW Synchronous

Drive - 3.3 KV - Pinion, Clutch, Inching Drive & Discharge Trommel.

Condition: Good.

CG3060Click to see Photo4000 x 1600 Svedala Sag Mill: Complete with 250 KW Drive - Metal Liners -

Manuals & all Associated Equipment Condition: As New.

CG3051Click to see Photo2400 x 3300 Newell Dunford Ball Mill: Rubber Lined - Grate Discharge -

224 KW Drive. Condition: Very Good.

CG3042Click to see Photo1200 x 4800 Clyde Caruthers Ball Mill: Complete on Skid Base with 55 KW

Drive - Metal Lined Condition: Excellent.


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